Education & Training
Best Practices, for Better Care.
At Alliant, we believe delivering the best education and training for health care providers and consumers leads to better care, healthier people and smarter spending. That’s why we educate providers with nationally recognized best practices that help you improve compliance and reduce program costs, while offering better, more appropriate services. We educate health care consumers to enable healthy lifestyle choices and informed health care decisions to improve population health and outcomes.
Improving Quality through Education
We tailor education and training support to meet your program needs in quality improvement, value-based purchasing, public health and patient safety initiatives, and population health. Our expert clinicians and quality improvement professionals deliver evidence-based curriculum designed to engage adult learners. Our trainings are offered virtual or in person and delivered with the tools and resources that reinforce learning and enable adoption after the event. We also offer on-demand access to trainings via a web-based learning management system.
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Quality Improvement
Deploy a robust, agile platform for broad engagement and use of data to drive quality improvement through use of evidence-based tools and methods to accelerate those improvements.

Program Integrity
Utilizing analysis and reviews, we ensure compliance and reduce improper payments, driving out fraud, waste and abuse.

Care Management
Clinician-led services that ensure the right care, in the right setting for the right duration by providing medical review services, prior authorizations, case management and level-of-care determination.